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Lineup 2024
Strictly Hard
The next ultimate hardcore experience is almost here: On December 7th, Mannheim's Maimarkthalle will explode with unstoppable energy.
TOXICATOR brings together the most extreme electronic music sounds, opening a gateway to an immersive noise experience.
30 international DJs define your path through this intense night: 10 hours full power on three floors 🔥 Let Dr.Peacock, Miss K8, Paul Elstak and Dimitri K unleash their brutal energy, pulling you deep into the hardcore movement. D-Block & S-Te-Fan, Radical Redemption and Warface will show you that hardstyle is more than music—it's a lifestyle. SHLØMO, CARAVEL and PER PLEKS will push the limits of techno, presenting it in its rawest, most powerful form.
But it’s not only about the music. It's where unbridled energy and emotions merge and the power of the harder styles controls your mind. Together, we’ll embrace this evolution, sharing moments for eternity and writing history. So become part of TOXICATORs massive 14th chapter and feel the tension.